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当前位置: 主页> 技术文章> Z543WF-16C平板闸阀型号规格参数代号各代表什么意思


Technical articles
时间:2023/11/17 8:29:41 点击次数:557

●特殊要求代号: K—抗硫型 L一调节型 ZB— 自动补偿

Special requirement code:K—Antisulphur type L—Adjustment type ZB—Auto compensation

● 阀门类型代号: Z—闸阀

Valve type code:Z—Gate valve

●驱动方式代号:4—正齿轮传动 5—伞齿轮

传动 6—气动 6s—气动带手动 7—液动 9—电动(手轮传动略) 9g—防爆电动

Driving manner code:4—Spur gear driving 5—Bevel gear transmission 6—Pneumatic 6s—Take pneumatically manually

7—Hydrodynamic driving 9—Electric driving (Hand wheel driving omitted) 9g—Explosion electric driving

●连接形式代号:4一法兰连接 6一对焊连接

Connecting type code:4—Flange-connecting 6—Butt welding connecting

●结构形式代号:3—明杆平行式单闸板 4—明杆平行式双闸板

Design feature code:3—Rising-stem parallel single-disc 4—Rising-stem parallel double-disc

●结构特点代号: W 一无导流孔(有导流孔省略) P—轻 型

Structure manner code:W—Non-diversion hole type (Diversion hole type omitted) P—Light-duty

●密封面材质代号: Y一硬质合金 H—合金钢 D—渗氮钢 F—增强聚四氟乙烯

Sealing formation code:Y—Hard alloy H—Alloy steel D—Nitriding steel F—Intensified polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)

●压力等级代号:公称压力为MPa 的10倍、磅级为实际数

Pressure grade code:The 10 times of the nominal pressure MPa,pound grade io practical number

●阀门材料代号: C—WCB l—WC6、ZG1Cr5Mo V—WC9、ZG20CrMoV P—CF8、ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti

R—CF8M、ZG1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti S—CF3 L—CF3M F—LCB N—LC3

Body material code:C—WCB lI-WC6、ZG1Cr5Mo V—WC9、ZG20CrMoV P—CF8、ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti

R—CF8M、ZG1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti S—CF3 L—CF3M F—LCB N—LC3


注释:公称压力为1.6MPa、 伞齿轮传动、法兰连接、无导流孔、明杆平行式单闸板闸阀,阀体材质为WCB, 密封面材质为增强聚四氟乙烯。 Example1:Z543WF-16C

Denoting 1.6MPa nominal pressure,bevel gear driving,flange-connecting,nondiversion hole,Rising-stem parallel single-disc,WCB valve body material and the Intensified polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)as sealing material.

例2: KZ9g44Y-150Lb

注释:压力等级为Class150 、 防爆电动、法兰连接、有导流孔、抗硫明杆平行式双闸板闸阀,阀体材质为WCB, 密封面材质为硬质合金。


Denoting Class150 pressure grade,explosion electric driving,flange-connecting,diversion hole type,antisulphur rising-stem

parallel double-disc gate valve,WCB valve body material and the hard alloy sealing material.

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